Hi friend!
Maggie here and wow, what a year! From moving into the new coworking space to finding new opportunities to support the local indie scene, you can bet that Triangle Interactive has been making the best out of 2023.
Our hope is that you take some time to reflect on your year and what all you’ve accomplished.
What’s in this month’s newsletter?
Call for 2024 partnerships and sponsorships
A charming visual novel game made by a member of our collective
Upcoming game jams for the new year
Reflecting on Oak City Indie Games
Coworking hijinks
Call for Partnerships and Sponsorships for 2024
Support the NC Triangle interactive arts space and beyond!
Triangle Interactive is looking for partners for our 60+ events in 2024.
If either you or you know any organizations that would be interested in sponsorship, have them email sponsor@triangleinteractivearts.org. We’ll provide a sponsor package to learn about our plans for 2024.
Spotlight: a tardigrade’s tale
Joshitha Muthukrishnan (pronounced "Jo" as in "joe", "shi" as in "ship", "tha" like in "thunder"; she/her) is a Unity and C# gameplay programmer and will be graduating from NC State this month! She also experiments with 2D art, writing, and music composition.
She gravitates towards projects with an educational angle, such as a 2D puzzle-platformer based around the physics of light and a virtual board game that teaches machine learning concepts through animal taxonomy. Is it no wonder that she’s proud of a tardigrade’s tale, an interactive fiction game of partial scientific accuracy?
The game centers around the microscopic world and has a charming, yet humorous writing style.
As for what happens after graduation? Well, Joshitha would like to work for an indie game studio (hint, hint). In the meantime, she’ll continue to work on side projects for her portfolio and harbor dreams of solo-developing games set in a world of her own creation.
Indie game challenge: There are six endings in a tardigrade's tale. Play the game to reach an ending and hop on the Triangle Interactive Discord to let us know which one you got!
While you're there why not reach out to Joshitha (server nickname Joshitha, Discord username @‌reliquandary) to talk more about her work!
Upcoming Events
Friday, Jan 26: Global Game Jam 2024
Whether you're an artist, designer, programmer, or complete beginner - we'd love to meet you, help you find a team, and collaborate to make games during this event!
The goal of a Game Jam is to come together and make a game over a short period of time. This can be a video-game, board game, or card game.
Triangle Interactive Events
Jan 5 - 7: Hextable Game Jam. Make games for the community’s Hextable in preparation of MAGFest 2024.
Every Thursday: Coworking with TIAC at 2:00pm in Building 800.
Other Community Events
THIS SATURDAY, Dec 16: Melee tournament at Art of Gaming 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Every Monday: Raleigh GameDev Coworking at 6:30pm
December Events Recap
Dec 9th: Oak City Indie Games
Showcasing games developed in the Triangle and beyond, Oak City Indie Games had a game for anyone who passed through. Though, in my opinion, Octobeat (pictured top middle) was a huge hit for me!
Developers showcased in the event had the opportunity to be interviewed on the StreamRaleigh Twitch channel about their games. Big thanks to StreamRaleigh for helping us highlight our local developers.
We implemented a passport system this year, where attendees who talked to developers about their game earned stamps that allowed them raffle entries. If you attended, let us know what you thought of the event!
We thank our sponsors, Duke, Extra Life, Wake Tech, Odin Law, and Thomas Team Realty, for their support in making Oak City Indie Games happen this year.
Coworking Highlights
Crystina, one of the organizers, hosted an after-hours board game night on Thursday, November 30th. Attendees learned how to play different board games, like Daybreak. From the resounding feedback, I don’t see why we wouldn’t look into holding more after-hours events in the new year.
This past Thursday, the community came together to decorate the office door and a gingerbread house for the holiday season. So festive!
We are deeply grateful for the support and we hope this community stays strong for many years to come.
Whew, we made it to the end of the newsletters for 2023. It’s been quite the ride, and I’m glad to be on that ride with you, friend.
Talk to you in the new year!
- Maggie
P.S. Interested in sampling our coworking space? Reach out at hello@triangleinteractivearts.org.
Have a friend who would love to hear about the local interactive scene?
Do us a favor and share this newsletter with them!
We love making new friends.